Install Microsoft Edge Browser (Stable) in Ubuntu/Debian via Official Repository by UbuntuHandbook

Why is this post important? Because installing Microsoft Edge via their official repository will facilitate the installation of ongoing updates. We found that most web-pages are directing readers to download a deb file from Microsoft’s website for a one-time installation, which will require manual downloads & installations to update on an ongoing basis, which is time-consuming, and compromises security due to delayed or lacking updates.

Installing postgres (PostgreSQL) database on Ubuntu 22


sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgresql-client-common

Start PostgreSQL service:

sudo systemctl start postgresql.service


Switch to postgres account; the installation of PostgreSQL automatically created a user account named “postgres”. Switch to this account for accessing the PostgreSQL database:

sudo -i -u postgres

Create new role

createuser --interactive

Create database

createdb exampledatabasename

Create a new Linux user

sudo adduser exampleusername

Switch to your user

sudo -i -u exampleusername

Connect to database


Check connection information


Distilled from How to Install and Set up PostgreSQL Database on Ubuntu 22.04 on Linux Hint. For more details:

PostgreSQL/postgres cheat-sheet:

Installing PHP extension imagick manually because it’s missing in cPanel/WHM EasyApache 4

We needed imagemagick installed on our server for nextCloud, but imagick is missing/unavailable in EasyApache 4.

Fortunately, we found the following instructions, which worked perfectly for us on our cPanel/WHM server for PHP versions 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1…

Original source:

Originally written by Justin Catello

This is fairly simple, just copy and paste the following into SSH.

1. Installing imagemagick:

yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel ImageMagick-perl

2. Installing the imagemagick PHP extensions for all installed PHP versions.

for phpver in $(whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions|grep -oE '\bea-php.*') ; do
printf "\autodetect" | /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/usr/bin/pecl install imagick
echo '' >> /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/etc/php.d/imagick.ini

3.  Test to make sure imagemagick is installed:

/usr/bin/convert --version

4. Test to make sure the PHP extensions loaded:

for phpver in $(whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions|grep -oE '\bea-php.*') ; do
echo "PHP $phpver" ; /opt/cpanel/$phpver/root/usr/bin/php -m |grep imagick
PHP 54
PHP 55
PHP 56
PHP 70
PHP 71